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Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti

Università degli Studi di Ferrara



Massimiliano Mazzanti is full Professor in Economic policy, University of Ferrara, at the Department of Economics & Management, where he is lecturer in Macroeconomics; Environmental economics and policy, Ecological Economics. He has directed the inter university centre SEEDS ( since the foundation in 2012. He coordinated the PhD programme in ‘Economics and Management of Innovation and Sustainability’, joint University of Ferrara and Parma programme, between 2012-2016.

He graduated at the University of Bologna then he continued the education with Msc in Environmental & Natural Resources Economics at the Department of Economics, UCL London, and PhD. in Economics at the University of Rome Tre. Main Research competences revolve around applied environmental economics and policy issues such as: sustainable development, environment and trade, climate change policies, environmental innovation, environmental policy design and assessment, environmental fiscal reforms, waste management and policy, economic valuation of the environment, beyond GDP - green accounting issues.

The publication record witnesses more than 70 papers in peer reviewed international journals, six books as co-editor published with Routledge and Springer, and many other contributions in books and reports. Regarding Journals, he has published extensively in high ranked journals such as Research Policy, Ecological Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Environmental & Resource economics, Journal of Environmental Planning and management, Applied Economics. Many contributions have found space in inter and multi disciplinary journals such as Environmental science and policy, Environmental sciences, Economics and Industrial Democracy, the Journal of environment and development.

He has collaborated and published policy oriented reports under research contracts with OECD, UNIDO, The World Bank. He has directed research units within EU projects in FP7 and H2020 programmes, in addition to the participation as leader of SEEDS unit to the existing WMGE ETC EEA.

key projects and site Project

New Book! Cultures-of-Sustainability-and-Wellbeing-Theories-Histories-and-Policies


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Barbara Gatto

Italian National Confederation of Crafts and SMEs (CNA)



Attualmente Responsabile del DPT Politiche Ambientali della CNA, ha iniziato a lavorare per la Confederazione nel 2006, occupandosi fin da principio delle tematiche collegate alle Politiche per la sostenibilità.

Precedentemente ha conseguito il Master in “Studi europei e relazioni internazionali” – Università degli studi di Roma “La sapienza”, Facoltà di economia. Per il conseguimento del Master ha presentato un project work in Politica Ambientale dell’Unione Europea dal Titolo “La Politica di sviluppo sostenibile dell’UE: il ruolo dell’efficienza energetica”.

Si è Laureata in Economia e Commercio nel 2004 con una tesi dal Titolo “Crescita Endogena e misurazione del Capitale Umano: il caso del Mezzogiorno d’Italia”.

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Manuela Rontini

President of Environmental Commission, Emilia Romagna Region


Manuela Rontini, faentina, 40 anni è consigliera regionale dell'Emilia-Romagna e presidente della III Commissione assembleare "Territorio Ambiente Mobilità".
Diplomata al liceo scientifico, ha studiato ingegneria edile-architettura.

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Romain Pardo

Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)


Romain joined the IEEP in April 2018 to work on projects related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the circular economy and climate. Prior to joining IEEP, Romain worked for several years as a Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), a Brussels based think tank, analysing policy developments in the field of resource efficiency, climate action and the implementation of the SDGs within and outside Europe. He also gained experience in the think tank world as personal assistant to the Managing Director of Re-Define, an organisation working on the Euro crisis and the Green New Deal. With an academic background in political sciences and international relations and a Master in Geopolitics and Geostrategy , Romain also lived in England, Mexico, Canada and France with professional experiences in the private and cultural sectors.

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Roberto Della Seta

Comitato per la Fondazione Europa Ecologia



I was born in Rome in 1959. I have two passions that became also my occupation: the environment and history. Former  coordinator of the scientific committee and then (from 2003 to 2007) national president of Legambiente. From 2008 to 2013 I was a member of Parliament, elected in the Senate with the Democratic Party and there group leader in the Environment Commission. In 2013 I founded together with Francesco Ferrante "Greening Marketing Italia", a company that collaborates with companies and other private subjects determined to be characterized by environmental quality, green and circular economy. I’m the president of Europa Ecologia Foundation, committed to spread and enhance in Italy European practices of green economy and policies. I have written various essays on the history of ecological ideas, of the ecological movement, of urbanistic ideas, of italian idea of patriotism: among these “I suoli di Roma” (1988), “La difesa dell’ambiente in Italia” (1999), “Dizionario del pensiero ecologico” (2007), “Patria. Un’idea per il nostro futuro” (2011), “La sinistra e la città” (2013). 



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