Via Angelo Brunetti, 60   06.36001705  06.87755731

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Alessandro Dacomo

DG Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, Lombardia Region


Alessandro Dacomo, Environmental Scientist, is currently a policy officer in Lombardy Region Government, Directorate Environment and Climate Change, working as Project Manager of the Interreg Europe project CircE and Environmental Impact Assessment officer. He has been working in Environmental impact assessment since 2008. He got in touch with Resource efficiency issues in 2013, when he worked for six months in the European Commission, Directorate Environment, Unit Economics and Resource Efficiency. The opportunity to manage the CircE project in 2016 was welcome for working more in depth on Circular economy. In his previous experiences, he worked also on issue involving remote sensing, landscape ecology, geographical information systems, water protection and waste management.

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Prof. Enrico Giovannini

Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS)


Enrico giovannini è professore ordinario di Statistica economica all’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” e docente di Public Management all’Università LUISS. E’ fondatore e portavoce dell’Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASVIS), una rete di oltre 180 soggetti della società civile. E’ stato Direttore della Direzione statistica e Chief Statistician dell’OCSE (2001-2009), Presidente dell’ISTAT (2009-2013) e Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (2013-2014). Nell’ottobre del 2014 è stato nominato “Cavaliere di Gran Croce al Merito della Repubblica”. È  autore di oltre 100 articoli e di cinque libri su temi statistici ed economici. 

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Carlo Polidori

Screen Project – Synergic CirculaR Economy across European regioNs



Carlo Polidori is a civil engineer with more than 25 years of experience, working in Brussels as project manager in the no profit research Association VELTHA . He is an expert evaluator and reviewer for European Commission funded projects since 1999 and has participated in several EU research projects as project manager and co-coordinator, like the FP7 DEBPAL (FP7), ZEPHYR (FP7) and H2020 ECOROADS (H2020). Carlo was the promoter and currently is the project manager and acting coordinator of the H2020 project SCREEN (, started on November 2016 and participated by 17 European region. He is also the chairman of the SCREEN laboratory on policies (Policy Lab) for the development of the circular economy, participated by the involved region, European Commission services and other international stakeholders.

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Pier Paolo Saraceno



Pier Paolo is policy and projects support officer at EUROCITIES working on environmental issues, including circular economy, waste, energy, biodiversity and noise. He is responsible for the organization of the EUROCITIES Environment forum and follows the activities of the EUROCITIES task force on circular economy and Working Group Waste, Working Group Green Areas and Biodiversity (WG GAB) and the Working Group noise (WG NOISE). Pier is involved in the work of the Covenant of Mayors project, where he is responsible for the twinning programme and other capacity building activities. Pier has a master degree in European spatial planning and regional development from the BTH Karlskrona (SE) and holds a first level master in urban and regional planning from the Radboud University Nijmegen (NL). 

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Claudia Brunori

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA)


Claudia Brunori, chemist, Head of the Division for Resource Efficiency of the ENEA Department for Sustainability. She gained experience in environmental issues related to environmental monitoring and ecoinnovation, with particular reference to innovative processes for resources recovery and recycling (water, secondary raw materials). She coordinates research and demonstration activities of three laboratories in the field of circular economy and resource efficiency particularly focusing on the development and implementation of technologies and innovative management tools for sustainable resources supply and use, eco-design, end of life sustainable management goods/products generated by B2C and B2B systems.



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